Clément Barbaza NowNow
- I now mainly teach principles of web development to help people become a web developer in private schools
- I continue to maintain projects for clients with whom I have collaborated for a long time
- I am building internals tools to help me to become more efficient
Check all my active/wip projects on my portfolio [coming soon].
- I am currently creating my portfolio generator
- I've making my own tools based on nb philosophy, but a bit different, more specific to my needs
- I maintain (and use regularly) custom iAWriter templates
- I maintain (and use daily) a local "home page / new tab page" generator for browsers based on a Markdown file
- I maintain (and use daily) a checklists desktop and mobile webapp using plain-text markdown files
- I maintain (and use regularly) an inventory website to list my possessions and see cool (and useless) statistics about what I own (yes, I've list all my material possessions)
- I maintain my own simple and minimalist static site generator (SSG) using node.js that powers all my content websites
- I maintain a personal project to create and publish websites and webpages written in markdown using node.js
- I have a project (in french) to help you pack for your next vacation
- I maintain a Telegram bot for ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ [redacted]
- I maintain a Telegram bot for ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ [redacted]
- My Telegram bot for is alive for 3 years now
- I maintain a simple electron webview with cool features for 7 years now
- My project to find cool colors in hexadecimal and RGB for your projects is online for 7 years now
- I maintain some custom scripts to enhance my productivity.
Lab / art
This is a Now Page, inspired by Derek Sivers