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Cool colors for your projects

Search for cool colors in hexadecimal and RGB for your projects.

I discovered a Twitter bot made by Edent tweeting a new color every few hours.

I really liked the colors and their description, and I wanted to have a tool to look for the colors tweeted by the bot.

Hopefully, the source code of this tweet bot is open, and I could obtain the colors list in CSV format.

So, I decided to create very quickly a static website using Jekyll and Bootstrap 3 to view the list of the colors. I host the website on Github Pages.

Cool Colors

The website was good and usable. But because I had the website online and I used it ("Eat your own dog food"), I found I browsed the color list to find inspiration, but I searched a lot for colors using the built-in search function (CTRL+F) of my browser for colors (green, blue, red...) or keywords (pastel...).

Then, I decided to use Bootstrap 4 beta instead Bootstrap 3, and added a simple search feature on the website thanks to jQuery and fuse.js.

Cool Colors

I hope you'll use this website to find cool colors for your next projects. Try it yourself 😊 !